How to Cope with Hair Loss

Hair loss is not difficult or complicated as we imagine. You can do your spare time when at home. In addition, hair loss at home was more secure and cost-effective than you have to spend a lot of cost for all treatments in the salon with the material that you yourself do not know exactly what it implies. Here are some ways to reduce hair loss at home with ease.

1. Breakfast
In addition to the staffing of us before the day of starting the activity, the benefit of other breakfast is for the health of our hair. At breakfast we recommend the consumption of foods rich in protein, nutrients and vitamins that are good for the body and hair. Lack of protein such as (red meat, eggs, chicken, etc.) can inhibit the growth of hair keratin. Therefore if any of you who like a lazy breakfast, good from now try to not skip meals this morning.

2. Olive Oil
How to remove the first hair loss is to use olive oil. We all know, olive oil has many benefits ranging from head to toe can be utilized usefulness. To treat hair loss with olive oil is easy enough. Pour olive oil in 1 tablespoon at least 30 minutes before shampooing, apply olive oil from root to tip of the hair while massaging for approximately 2-4 minutes slowly. After that did wash as usual using shampoo to clean.

3. Mask Fruits
The majority of women would never do creambath care either in the salon or do it yourself at home. Masks used for this creambath you can make yourself at home with several types of fruit such as bananas, avocados, watermelon and melon. Make a mask of some sort of fruit, enough forgiveness to cope with hair loss. How to make it very easy. Blend until smooth to the three kinds of fruit and tambahakan 1 tablespoon yogurt without flavor stir until evenly distributed. After that, apply throughout the hair, wait for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
menganduk above types of fruit citric acid and antioxidants that are good for our hair. Avocado and yoghurt efficacious as a moisturizer for the hair. While bananas, watermelon and melon can make your hair become more shiny and healthy.

4. Head
massage With Green Tea Mixes & Celery
Before we begin this stage, you should set up such as:

a. 1 small towels clean fruit.
b. Mentium and lemon soaked with warm water.
c. Green Tea and Celery leaves are brewed

If it has been ready all, the first thing you do to cope with hair loss is take one small clean towel was then soak the towel in warm water containing added mentium and lemon for 2-5 minutes. Furthermore wring the towel and lid to use a towel that has been squeezed last for approximately 10 minutes.
While waiting for the water to absorb into the skin of the head, you can do some activities that make you more relaxed like yoga or listening to classical music or breathe in slowly and repeatedly. Make your mind and body at ease. This can prevent a sense of strees on yourself. After 10 minutes, drops of green tea and selendri gradually to the scalp, you can massage your scalp so that the droplet to absorb into the scalp. Finally rinse your hair thoroughly until there is no oil left on your scalp and hair.

5. Mango, Yoghurt and Egg Yolk
How to cope with hair loss more with mango, yoghurt and egg yolk. First prepare a few pieces of mango and 1 tablespoon yogurt and 2 egg yolks. Blend until smooth and creamy after the filter coarse fibers are still there. You just need to rub fine fiber loss kerambut you. If it is separate, apply a mask mango, yoghurt and egg yolk to your head evenly. Give a little massage on the head. Diamka for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

6. Oil Kemiri

Using hazelnut oil for hair loss is nothing new, since antiquity hazelnut been used to help nourish the hair. On hazelnut seeds containing 60-66% oil. Oil is utilized to cope with hair loss in antiquity to the present. But at present, we do not need more complicated to get the hazelnut oil as before. Now we are very easy to get walnut oil in the shops around herbal medicine around our homes.
Its use is not difficult for you just a few drops of hazelnut oil ketelapak hand, selanjutkan wipe the entire hair until the hair roots evenly. And let stand about 1-2 hours while providing scalp massage gently. After that, clean the hair (shampoo) to clean with shampoo.

7. Aloe Vera
Plant this one is not foreign to our ears. Aloe vera has been very popular of benefits to cope with hair loss. How users is very easy. You only take one piece of aloe vera and use the inside or the meat and rub aloe vera on the hair until evenly distributed. Leave for about 15-25 minutes and then you can clean the hair with a shampoo with clean water. At the time of shampooing is advisable to use running water.

8. Juice Chips
Potatoes can help nourish the hair very quickly. To get the benefits we just need to make into juice. After that you can directly use on the hair as a mask. For maximum results you can add honey and egg white then in blender until well blended. After that, allow about 30-60 minutes then rinse thoroughly. In addition to being one of the ways to overcome hair loss, the potato juice can also be used to cope with dry hair and graying.

9. Garlic
In addition to preventing hair loss, garlic is also able to cope with hair that had already fallen out because it was believed to stop hair loss either severe though. The content of antibacterial contained in garlic is what serves to destroy parasites and can treat infections of the head. How to use grab a few pieces of garlic cloves and puree, you can also add a few drops of oil ziatun then wipe the hair until evenly distributed. Let stand about 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Besides the content of sulfur in garlic is also capable of improving blood circulation to the hair follicles. For maximum results do this every day habit before shampooing.

10. Shallots
Besides garlic, onions also contain high sulfur so it is that makes garlic as a natural remedy for hair loss. How the application was not difficult even almost the same as garlic, onion puree you live like juice and apply on the hair until blended. After 30 minutes you can rinse shampoos to slightly reduce the odor generated by this onion.

11. Santan
In addition to hair shines the coconut milk is also able to cope with hair loss. How users simply need Preparing a glass or can be adjusted to the thickness of your hair. Then apply over the surfaces of the hair to the scalp until evenly distributed. After 30 minutes you can simply rinse with shampoo and water. After using coconut milk, the results of which can be directly dirasaan is your hair will feel slippery and cheap set and sparkling. For maximum results use this milk at least 2 times a week.

12. Ginger
In addition to providing the benefits of the body turns warm ginger can also be used for the fertility of our hair. The content Zingeron in the ginger is able to help to cope with hair loss. To be able to utilize the plant is not too difficult. It is very easy, prepare a ginger segments then cleaned and peeled after the clean grated ginger and then apply the grated ginger gets hair loss. Let stand about 20 minutes so that ginger stimulates the hair cells. After 20 minutes wash the hair with shampoo and clean water.

13. Lime
Orange juice contains vitamin C which is good for healthy hair, than to be able to overcome dandruff. Orange juice is also able to overcome the problem of hair loss. Penggunannya too easy, you just cut the lemon into pieces and then rub lemon slices into the hair. After 15 minutes rinse hair wash to clean.

14. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is one of aromatherapy oil has many benefits for the body and our hair. Lavender oil can relieve itching on the scalp and dandruff. Lavender oil has a very strong antiseptic which serves as a disinfectant for our scalp. For the benefit of lavender oil as hair loss drugs is to meteteskan about 10 drops of lavender oil, you can also add essential oils such as olive oil into it and rub into the scalp until evenly distributed. Let stand for 20 minutes then berishkan hair.

15. Healthy Lifestyle
Did you, a healthy body have an impact on your hair. If your body healthy your hair will probably look more beautiful and healthy too. What's the point above routine care without regard to healthy lifestyles. Therefore in addition to treating hair in various ways such as using hair loss drugs, treatments in the salon or at home. It helps you also started doing a healthy lifestyle by exercising lightly, eating foods that are highly nutritious and rich in protein.
Did you know that hair is made of protein? Therefore, consume vegetables and fruits every day is very good. Especially vegetables or fruits that contain vitamin B, iron, zinc Kalsum and good for the health of your hair. And do not forget to drink enough water.

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