Identifying the Best Over the Counter Acne Treatment

Identifying the Best Over the Counter Acne TreatmentAlthough there are instances in which prescription medication, special therapies, and even surgical procedures are needed to bring and keep acne problems under control, today a number of over-the-counter treatments work exceptionally well. For smooth and healthy skin, the goal is to find the best over-the-counter acne treatment, which can be more difficult than it sounds.
Because acne is such a prevalent problem, the number of products now available is mind boggling. For the person looking for an effective and safe treatment but without going to the doctor, looking at all the different products can be confusing. In looking at the package, products all seem to be the same but as shown in this article, there are distinct differences that are critical to achieving the ultimate goal of gorgeous skin.
Keep in mind that in more serious cases of acne, seeing a doctor or dermatologist would be highly recommended. In this case, a more aggressive approach may be needed for treatment but in addition, it would be important for any other health issue to be ruled out. However, for most mild to moderate acne problems, using the best over-the-counter acne treatment would prove beneficial.

Organic or Natural Ingredients
The first recommendation is to look for products made with organic or 100% natural ingredients. Products that contain chemicals pose great risk, especially when it comes to skin disorders whereas organic or natural ingredients work with the body to promote healthy skin. In addition, the best over-the-counter acne treatment made with organic or natural ingredients would dramatically reduce side effects.
Some of the best ingredients to look for include tea tree oil, vitamin E, and aloe vera. Now, there are three ingredients outside this category that provide huge benefits in the fight against acne. Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, and sulfur work amazingly well in removing dead skin cells, eliminating excess oil, and restoring health and vitality.
Because these three ingredients are considered vital for acne treatment, we wanted to provide brief information about each and how they benefit.
• Benzoyl Peroxide – Of all active ingredients used in acne treatments, this is by far the most common. Available in both ointment and gel form, Benzoyl Peroxide works by killing harmful bacteria and sloughing off dead skin cells that can build up on the skin’s surface and clog pores. The only downside to this ingredient is potential to dry skin out but using the treatment along with a quality moisturizer would counteract the effect.
• Salicylic Acid – For this ingredient, dead skin cells would be eliminated, again keeping pores open to help prevent future acne outbreaks. Although this is a common ingredient in treating acne, it is just as beneficial in preventing it. As with Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid is known to cause dryness.
• Sulfur – As the third ingredient found in the best over the counter acne treatment, sulfur has been shown to be highly effective in fighting bacteria but only if coupled with Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. However, there are times when sulfur could be applied directly to an affected area of skin to stop a breakout from worsening.

Potential Side Effects
A common misconception when talking about the best over the counter acne treatment is that an individual would experience no unpleasant side effects. In truth, even products made with organic or 100% natural ingredients can produce some side effects although when compared to those associated with prescription medication, they would be less intense. For this reason, anyone looking at over-the-counter products to treat acne should conduct thorough research.
In addition to possible side effects, there are certain ingredients that can have negative interaction with medication or other organic/natural ingredients. Again, spending time researching ingredients listed would be the best option but if needed, a pharmacist, doctor, or herbalist could provide information and guidance to make the choosing process a little less daunting.

Answers to Important Questions
Below are commonly asked questions that people with acne ask so we wanted to take the opportunity to provide answers that would make it easier to find the best over the counter treatment.
• What type of treatment is considered most effective? – In looking at the various types of acne treatment products, it would be best to choose a complete system. With this, a person’s skin would be properly cleansed but also exfoliated and moisturized with a product formulated to work together. Two systems that come highly recommended include Proactiv and Exposed.
• What criteria should be considered most vital? – There are specific things a person should expect from the best over the counter acne treatment. These would include effectiveness, safety, cost, company reputation, and a product that can deal with all the issues involving acne, not just one.
• Can one over the counter product work for all types of acne and different areas of the body? – The answer is it depends. There are acne treatments that benefit every type of acne and are both powerful and gentle enough to be used on the face, legs, arms, back, chest, stomach, and other areas of the body affected by acne. However, there are even more products with formulas specific to acne type and/or area of the body needing to be treated.

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