Blackhead Removal – Using Blackhead Extractor

Blackhead Removal – Using Blackhead ExtractorAre you scared of going out and everyone will notice those annoying blackheads on your face? Do you just want to get rid of those blackheads by yourself because in a few minutes you will attend a party or a date?  A blackhead extractor may be what you need.
Some may have the time to go to a facial spa and have those blackheads removed. But what if you’re in a hurry? Or what if you just noticed the blackheads right after taking a bath and you’re ready to go? In times like these, you need a tool that will get the job done while saving you time and money. You know for yourself that you just need a quick and affordable solution for this one little problem.
Blackhead extractor works by putting the loop around the spot. The blackhead should be at the center of the loop. Then you just put a little pressure against your skin and the thing will come out. It’s very easy and very straightforward to use. It’s a lot better than using your own bare hands which can cause bruising.

Are Blackhead Extractors Safe?
As with all things however, there are still some issues about the blackhead extractor that need to be addressed. One is about the safety and another is about the true effectiveness of the product. Let’s talk about safety. At the first glance, it’s scary to remove blackheads using a tool made up of shiny metal. You don’t want to have scars on your face and make matters worse for your skin. But if you use it with care, you would feel some relief as you see the results.
If you use the blackhead removal tool with great care, you should just expect nothing but good results. You should just make sure to follow exactly the instructions included with the product. Common instructions like cleaning the extractor (especially the loop) with alcohol before and after use are included. It’s important to keep it clean always so that it would be really safe to use. Wounds are very unlikely to appear but it’s always a good thing to maintain cleanliness on everything you use on your face. This way you will prevent more blackheads and pimples from appearing on your face.
To keep the loop always clean, you should have some pads with rubbing alcohol on them. Some wipe the loop on the pad each time it picks on a blackhead. Others do it after removing a few or several blackheads. In general, you should clean the extractor before and after use. Right after using it, you should use some alcohol to disinfect the metal tool. You should also do it before using it. Even if you covered it with cloth or put it back in its plastic case, you should make it a practice to do proper disinfection right before using it.
If you followed the instructions indicated in the manufacturer’s label, most likely you won’t encounter any problems. In addition, the tool is of sufficient length and the grip will help you hold it on a comfortable and safe way. To add further to your level of safety and peace of mind, it’s usually made from sturdy material (most common is stainless steel) so that it won’t bend easily. You can also feel it firm in your hands and you can hold it steady if it doesn’t bend. It will also make it easier for you to extract the blackhead if the loop doesn’t bend much.

Is a blackhead removal tool effective?
Now that the safety issue has been properly addressed, let’s talk about the effectiveness of a blackhead extractor.  The extractor deals directly with the blackhead and removes it. It doesn’t beat around the bush and you can see the results immediately. Maybe you’ve heard some people say that it doesn’t just work for them. Ask them if they really used the extractor properly or if they really did some things before using the extractor to make it easier for themselves.
Most people who know how to use the extractor will agree that you need to condition your skin and pores first before actually using the tool itself. The blackhead extractor still might just work perfectly even if no preconditioning is done. But for best results, a warm shower or a warm towel on your face before picking on the blackheads will make it easier for you. Those things will actually make the pores wider so that it will be easy for the blackheads to come out.
Other people will go for some exercise to make the pores wider. They figured it out through experience. It’s inconvenient to do this though because sometimes blackheads are only removed right before a certain event (like a party or a date). In addition, just going for a warm towel or shower will leave you refreshed and better prepared for the removal of blackheads. You will see more of them and you can remove more of them.
To get the best results and get the most value out of your money, it’s very helpful to know if the blackhead extractor you want to buy is truly safe and effective. It’s also helpful to know some common tips to do a good job at removing blackheads. Another thing is that you should use the tool properly and you follow the instructions correctly. This way you won’t worry about its safety and effectiveness and of course you won’t be self-conscious every time someone looks at your face.

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