What Is The Best Acne Treatment For Teens

the best acne treatment for teensWhat is the Best Acne Treatment for Teens ?
Are you looking for the best acne treatment for teens? You know that acne is one of the biggest problems being encountered by teens. The teen years could be the most exciting years for many but skin problems like acne can ruin all the experience. It’s when the first dates and the first parties happen. Teens that have acne might not enjoy those firsts because they’re not confident enough to face their peers and enjoy life.
You might have already heard that the best acne treatment for teens could be different for the adults. Teens are experiencing hormonal surges that are very much different from the adults. Teens are also much more active and they are encountering problems different from those of the adults.
For the teens, different cases exist depending on the severity of the acne and their individual health conditions. One treatment that worked for one teen might not work for another. That’s why it’s best to consult a dermatologist about the acne problem before it can get worse.

The different acne treatments for teens
Once a dermatologist is consulted, he or she might suggest one or more of the following:
  • Gels and lotions with benzoyl peroxide
  • Retinoids which are derived from Vitamin A
  • Creams with cleansing agents and antibiotic
  • Oral medications that help unclog pores and shrink oil glands

Benzoyl Peroxide
Gels and lotions with benzoyl peroxide are fairly common as over the counter products for dealing with acne. For mild cases, it could be the best acne treatment for teens as well as for the adults. Different formulations and concentrations for different products are available and it’s best to have a word from a dermatologist before applying it on the areas with acne. The dermatologist might first recommend one with low concentrations and monitor the skin’s reactions.

Retinoids which are derived from Vitamin A might also be recommended. They could be applied directly to the affected area. Retinoids work by unclogging the pores making it easier for other topical treatments to enter and do their work. Retinoids could work as the best acne treatment for teens. But they are known to cause irritations that’s why it’s important to consult an expert first before applying retinoids to the areas affected with acne.

FaceCreams with a combination of cleansing agents and antibiotic
Teen Washing FaceCreams with a combination of cleansing agents and antibiotic could also work as the best acne treatment for teens. These creams will deal with the different causes of acne. They could also help in normalizing the skin. Benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic such as clindamycin might be found in these products. Other active ingredients could also be available such as salicylic acid which works by keeping the pores clean from debris and dirt. This then prevents further acne breakouts from occurring.

Oral medications
Oral medications that help unclog pores and shrink oil glands might also be recommended by the dermatologist. As with the other treatments, close monitoring on the body and the skin’s reactions should be done while taking the oral medications. These medications which might include isotretinoin can cause changes in mood and in the body’s condition. Skin problems especially acne can cause one to feel depressed and the oral medications might make it worse. It’s important that frequent monitoring of one’s health is being done while oral medications are being taken.

The causes of acne and how you should deal with them
You should keep in mind that the causes of acne are overproduction of oil, clogged pores and build-up of bacteria. It’s a common case that the dermatologist might recommend a combination of different treatments that will deal with all the causes of acne. It is important to remember that it will take some time for you to be sure of the results. Sometimes your body will immediately react to the new medicine and then the results taper off.
Also, treatments could start with low concentrations and monitoring the body and the skin’s reactions to the medications. It could take weeks before the acne will be completely gone. That’s why teens and their parents should be patient with the treatment and not rush to switching from one treatment to another.
The best acne treatment for teens can be different depending on the severity of the case and their individual health conditions. Some might think that one type of treatment is the best acne treatment for teens because this kind of treatment worked for others. The treatment could be as simple as buying an over the counter gel or could be as complex as trying different treatments or a combination of these. It takes time to figure out what works. Then the treatment will be continuous until most of the acne symptoms are eliminated.
The teens and the parents should be patient with the treatments. It’s not a good thing to try one method and switch to another very fast. The skin is sensitive and it’s true especially at the face. For the best acne treatment for teens to work, first it should not make the acne problem worse by getting rid of the acne and not cause other skin problems. The best acne treatment for teens should work to get rid of the acne and not cause any undesirable side effects.

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